Next.js Template

This template is pre-configured with Next.js, Wagmi for Ethereum hooks, and Viem for UI components, including a "Connect Wallet" button. Ideal for server-rendered dApps.


The Next.js template is an ideal starting point for developers looking to build server-rendered decentralized applications (dApps). It integrates Next.js, a React framework that provides server-side rendering and generates static websites, with essential web3 functionalities.


  • Wagmi Integration: Includes Wagmi, a set of React hooks for Ethereum, facilitating the connection to Ethereum networks and smart contract interaction.
  • Viem for UI Components: Comes with Viem, a UI library optimized for web3 applications, including a ready-to-use "Connect Wallet" button.
  • Optimized for SEO: Leverages Next.js's server-side rendering capabilities for improved search engine optimization.
  • Easy Deployment: Simplifies the deployment process, with support for Vercel, Netlify, and other hosting platforms.