Create Web3 Template

Create Web3 Template


Welcome to create-web3-cli, a command-line tool designed to jumpstart your web3 project development. This tool offers pre-configured templates for Next.js and Vite with React, integrated with Wagmi and Viem libraries for seamless blockchain interaction, including a ready-to-use "Connect Wallet" button. Whether you're building dApps, exploring blockchain technology, or creating web3 applications, create-web3-cli provides a solid foundation to get started.

What is Create Web3 Template?

Create Web3 CLI is a command-line tool that simplifies the setup process for developing decentralized applications (dApps) and web3 applications.This command-line interface tool is designed to accelerate your journey into web3 development, offering pre-configured templates and seamless integration with blockchain technologies. Ideal for developers of all skill levels as it provides developers with ready-to-use project templates, integrating the latest in blockchain technology to jumpstart development.

What Comes With It?

Pre-configured Templates

  • Next.js Template: Includes Wagmi for Ethereum hooks, Viem for UI components, and a "Connect Wallet" button.
  • Vite and React Template: Combines the speed of Vite with the flexibility of React, integrated with Wagmi and Viem, including a "Connect Wallet" button.

Work in Progress

  • Hardhat & Foundry Integration: Enhancing smart contract development and testing.
  • Infura Integration: Ensuring seamless blockchain network connectivity.